Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura

Month 3 brought us our third chakra - the confidence center. This chakra exposes how we digest and deal with life. When aligned you might feel strong in who you are, enough so that any negativity the world throws at you can roll off your back and remind you what is important. *Smile through the BS because you are worth it* Manipura helps us to feel empowered to make decisions that are right for ourselves and to feel proud for taking steps towards a future that makes us happy. When life shifts and becomes overwhelming this chakra reminds us that those moments do not define us, but consciously reacting to them is how we grow.

During class today my students reminded me to take moments for myself to digest life, however chaotic it may be right now, to refuel my internal fire. Feeling inspired by them always.


Sacral Chakra: Svadhishthana