SIBO Treatment
Follow my gut health journey with SIBO!
5 Days of Mindfulness
Preparing for SIBO Treatment
Follow my gut health treatment journey with SIBO!
Cleanse the Body pt.1
How can you cleanse your body through the food you eat?
Cleanse the Space
Did you know that by cleansing your space, you can also declutter the mind?
Cleanse the Mind
You’ve got this!
New Year, New Me?
You’ve got this!
Questions I get About Yoga
You’ve got this!
Group Fitness Classes in Washington, DC
It all begins with an idea.
My Makeup Routine
It all begins with an idea.
Sibo Facts + Resources Hub
Fun facts about SIBO and how to live with gut issues.
Gut Series: Welcome
Welcome to my gut health journey! I am a young women living with SIBO. Read about my experience going through SIBO treatment and recovery, including my low fodmaps diet, gratitude practice, and tips and tricks for going out with friends and family.
Journey to Journaling
A guide to begin your journaling practice!
Meal Prep?
It all begins with an idea.
Whitney Kim
It all begins with an idea.